Naslovnica Ekonomija/Economics Submissions

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Srijeda, 23 Prosinac 2015 10:59

EKONOMIJA / ECONOMICS is an open access journal.

EKONOMIJA / ECONOMICS accept original research papers with topics appropriate to journal which have not been submitted to any other journal. Papers which have been published or are under review by another paper will not be considered for publication.

All submitted papers will have a double blind peer review. Every paper submitted, if the topic is appropriate for the journal, will be reviewed. EKONOMIJA / ECONOMICS believes in the review process and there are no desk rejects.

Submission should be made online to Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript in word document and formatted according to EKONOMIJA / ECONOMICS specifications.

Papers can be submitted in following languages: Croatian, Serbian, and English.